Porn Star Says Men Not Doing This In The Bedroom Is An Instant Turn Off
What does a porn star say men do in the bedroom that’s an instant turn off for women? Actually, it’s what they aren’t doing that’s the problem.
Look, nobody wants to be bad in bed. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be out of your control. However, sometimes there are simple things you can do to make yourself a better lover and not provide your partner with an instant turn off.
Porn Star Says Men Not Doing This Is An Instant Turn Off
Turning your partner on isn’t all about the motion of the ocean nor the size of the boat. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure those factors definitely help. Sometimes, a little attention can go a long way. You don’t even have to be Casanova or the most talented person in the sheets to accomplish this. It just requires a little effort to avoid this instant turn off.
According to porn star Hayley Davies–not to be confused with Hailey Welch–men not engaging in foreplay before doing the deed is an instant turn off for women, per The New York Post. She says that it’s a mood killing mistake and that women are wired to enjoy the build-up prior to sex. If you skip that step you believe to be tiny, you’re actually eliminating a huge part of the fun! Taking that little bit of extra time and effort clearly goes a long way. Plus, what’s the rush?
According to The New York Post, Davies said, “Women need to be teased. We need foreplay. You’d be surprised how many, even more experienced men, just put it straight in!” That doesn’t sound pleasant. You’ve got to heat up the oven before cooking your meal, fellas! However, simply doing the bare minimum doesn’t appear to be enough. Davies advised, “You need to really take your time. Kiss the whole body, caress the inner thigh, soft touches, grabbing in the right places. You just really need to get them begging for it,” via The New York Post. That doesn’t sound too bad, right! That would make you sound pretty cool. Additionally, if word gets out that you’re a generous lover you might attract more positive attention for yourself, and potentially new partners. What you really don’t want to get out is that you just jumped on in. It sounds like that is not what women are looking for.
So, the next time you have an opportunity to woo a partner, don’t rush through it! Take your time!