Fitness Influencer Has Strange Morning Routine Go Viral Online
A fitness influencer is going viral for his incredibly strange morning routine. There’s no way people actually are like this, right?
I swear, people will do anything to go viral online. They’ll make up stories, do pranks, eat crazy food, and share their strange morning routine online. Is this really what he does every morning or is he just trying hard to go viral? Either way fitness influencer Ashton Hall is now going viral online and he’s become the butt of the joke on social media. You can’t look anywhere right now without seeing a meme poking fun of him and his morning routine video. Are people actually like this? Do people do this? People are weird. Check out his viral video below and see for yourself.
Fitness Influencer Goes Viral For Strange Morning Routine
Are you buying this? Is he for real? Does he really wipe his face with a banana every morning? How about that ice bowl face dunk? It all seems like a bit much, especially that early! Can’t say he isn’t productive though! At least…if all of this is to be believed. It could all just be an excuse to share a video of himself shirtless online. You never know!
What I do know is that my morning routine is nothing like this! It’s hard to tell if it’s all legit. Influencers can be hard to trust. It looks like he’s in good shape though, so good for him on that. I’m sure this won’t be the last we see of him and we’re probably going to see more content from him and more of his strange habits and routines online soon.