When it comes to “stoner films,” Cheech & Chong will forever be the kings of this always entertaining (and often very silly) sub-genre.
Seriously, think about all of the stoner classics you love. Would they have been made had it not been for Cheech & Chong? There’s a good possibility they wouldn’t, and then we could be living in a world without the wonder that is Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey. (More on him in a little bit.)
“Stoner films” have been top of mind lately due to the release of the trailer for Cheech & Chong’s Last Movie. (WARNING: Some NSFW language in the trailer below.)
In the trailer for the film, Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong are seen going on a road trip where they both open up about their ups and downs in the entertainment industry. The documentary isn’t afraid to examine the not-so-great aspects of the comedy duo’s relationship over the years.
In honor of the April release of Cheech & Chong’s Last Movie, here’s a look at some outstanding stoner films they may not have happened without this iconic comedy duo.