Paris Hilton Had To Defend Her Baby’s Huge Head From Online Trolls
Paris Hilton’s baby boy Phoenix has a huge head. That’s not an insult . . . it’s an observation. Of course, now the internet is talking all about Paris Hilton and the head of her baby.
According to reports, after Paris shared a picture of him last week, a lot of people made that observation.
Some were cruel about it, saying stuff like, “he’s got a lot on his mind,” and comparing him to Stewie from “Family Guy”.
Others wondered if he has a condition, like encephalitis . . . which is inflammation of the brain . . . and said Paris should have him checked by a doctor.
Someone on TikTok made a video defending Paris and Phoenix, and Paris actually commented on it. She said, quote, “There are some sick people in this world . . . my angel is perfectly healthy.”
She added, quote, “And yes, of course, he has been to a doctor, he just has a large brain.”
Paris Hilton Defends Baby’s Head Size
It was the perfect comeback for the trolls online. I understand Paris is no stranger to criticism and maybe she’s brought a lot of it onto herself over the years. However, I think we can draw the line at criticizing her baby’s head. Surely, there are bigger things happening in the world than Paris Hilton’s baby’s head size.
In fact, when I see baby Phoenix I don’t think about that. I actually think he looks a lot like Paris’ mother, Kathy. I think they have similar shaped heads. I’m not the only one who thinks that, either. Several people online made similar connections.
I actually forgot Paris Hilton even had a baby. In my head, she’s still in her 20s and out at the club every night. I can’t wrap my head around her settling down and being a mother. When I was growing up, she was always the life of the party. Anytime she’d make news it was for partying, or something similar. Then, there’s also the famous episode of South Park that roasted her.
Paris Hilton is no stranger to criticism. She’s done a lot over the years that would cause you to roll your eyes. She’s done a lot wrong and there’s plenty of things to tease her over. The size of her baby’s head isn’t one of them.