A Thief Blabbed To His Uber Driver About How He Was On His Way To Commit A Crime
(Photo by Siegfried Modola/Getty Images)
This dude would have been a perfect candidate for our Idiot Criminal of the Day post, but we couldn’t find his mugshot to do it the right way. This guy is easily one of the dumbest we’ve come across on the show.
According to reports, a 41-year-old thief in Maine, named Kevin Gray, ordered a rideshare to a local T.J. Maxx. Then he blabbed to the driver about how he was going to rob the place. The driver dropped him off, and called the cops.
The police identified the passenger as Gray and in addition to being a suspect in a crime committed the previous day they saw that he had warrants out. When they saw him exit the T.J. Maxx and approached him there was a small foot chase, but they caught him and he was arrested.
Gray had several sets of pre-conviction bail conditions that barred him from several businesses in the area because…can you guess? Because of theft charges at those stores.
Gray is facing charges in relation to theft as well as drug possession, warrants, and violations of conditions of release.
5 of the Craziest Cringeworthy Crimes Ever Committed
While committing crimes may seem black and white (you either broke the law or you didn’t), there are certainly some crimes that are dumber than others. Sometimes it’s the crime itself that’s wild, other times, it’s the people committing said crimes. These are 5 of the craziest, cringeworthy crimes ever committed.
Crimes can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone. However, it takes a very unique individual, a case study if you will, to commit some of these outrageously dumb crimes. Years ago, these criminals would have been featured on Spike TV or one of those America’s Dumbest Criminal shows. Today, I’m not sure if those shows are around…and I’m certain Spike TV isn’t around anymore. That’s a story for another time.
Someone being arrested. (Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)
Craziest Crimes
Crimes can happen for a number of reasons. They may happen out of necessity. They could also happen on accident. These crimes, however, do not fall into those categories. These crimes are different. None of these would accidentally happen. They also aren’t a matter of life or death. There’s no ethics quiz here, or any matters of ‘would you steal bread to support your family?’ These crimes, and criminals, aren’t straight up cringeworthy.
While all of these crimes are crazy and certainly cringeworthy, they also make for excellent conversation pieces. That’s why I’ve gone and found five examples of the wildest stories that Dave and Chuck the Freak have talked about and made a list highlighting the best of the best. Let’s be honest…what’s better than reading a story about one of the craziest crimes ever committed? Or, watching Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about some of the dumbest crimes ever committed? Personally, I’m going with the funny storytellers.
They add their own two cents and perspectives on these stories that nobody else could provide. Not even those talking heads on the dumbest criminal shows. Am I the only one who remembers those? I feel like they were a staple on TruTV or VH1, but now all I can find on TruTV is Impractical Jokers, which is awesome but…you get it. Let’s not delay! Here’s the list!
5 of the Dumbest Crimes Ever Committed