(VIDEO) Moose Charges At Men Who Ignored Pleas To Leave Animal Alone
Stacy Revere/Getty Images for The Match
This is why you don't mess with a wild animal! (Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images for The Match)
Well, some people just don’t listen. Eventually, they’ll learn their lesson. It looks like these two men certainly will be learning theirs. Watch this video where a moose charges at men who ignored repeated pleas to leave the wild animal alone.
The men kept testing their limits. However, they eventually took it too far and the moose had enough. Now, the video is going viral and is being used as a warning for all.
Moose Charges At Men Who Ignored Pleas To Leave Animal Alone
The incident happened in Big Sky, Montana. In the video, some guys are filming two men who appear to have beverages in their hands who are standing roughly 10 feet away from a wild moose. The video begins with one of the gentlemen filming warning the men to stay away from the moose and to just leave it alone.
The men, who appear as though they may be intoxicated, literally laugh off the warnings. They even step closer upon being warned to stay away. The two even go as far as mocking the men warning them to keep clear of the animals. Clearly, the men had no interest in listening to their pleas.
They mock going closer to it. One man even pretends to take a jump at the moose. That was a terrible decision. Clearly, the two are instigating and want something to happen. I should note that doing this in the wild is a terrible decision. Even doing this to a domesticated animal is not a good decision. Moose will attack. Not only do they have antlers, but their legs are powerful and can reach far distances. Moose may be cute, but they can be incredibly dangerous!
Watch the video below and see for yourself. Did the men have it coming? It definitely seems like they did. Check out the viral video shared by ABC 7 below!
5 Animals In North America That Could Kill You
Oh, America the beautiful. Across our wonderful continent of North America you’ll find amazing, adorable animals. However, you’ll also find creatures that are incredibly dangerous. Here are 5 animals in North America that could kill you.
Now, just because they can kill you doesn’t mean they’re out to do it. Yet, it means they have the possibility of doing so! So, it’s best to be aware!
5 Animals In North America That Could Kill You
Well, some of these animals you’re probably already well aware could kill you. However, some of these animals you might not know can kill you. Or, maybe you don’t know they’re actually around! Hey, like NBC used to say, “The More You Know.”
Naturally, there are many more than 5 animals in North America capable of killing you. There are countless. Some may be big powerful animals. Others may be poisonous. It’s important to know what’s out there. These animals could be lurking in your basement. They could be outside your home. Or, they could be all the way across the country from you and pose absolutely no risk of danger or harm.
Of course, when you only select five animals to talk about, you’re leaving a lot on the cutting room floor. So, you won’t hear about any sharks on the list. We know they can kill you. Additionally, jaguars, mountain lions, and American Bison didn’t make the list. That’s right. Bison can kill you, and they have! Not only are Bison huge animals, but they also have horns! Several ways they can take you out. It’s not just limited to a stampede.
Furthermore, I’m counting an “animal” as anything in the Animal Kingdom. They may be reptiles, amphibians, insects, and more. I’m counting them all as animals. I don’t want to hear that “technically, arachnids aren’t animals” or anything. Let’s just relax and have fun.
These 5 Animals Found In America Could Kill You
Cort Freeman was born and raised in Metro Detroit. He was named Clarkston High School 2009 Class Clown 13 years after graduating. Totally normal thing to happen. That’s thanks to his time spent as an Intern at Comedy Central and Social Media Correspondent for The Colbert Report. Cort has done comedy across the country, both standing up and sitting down. When he’s not trying to make you laugh on-air and online, he’s probably at home enjoying his favorite shows like Seinfeld, South Park, and The Office. He’s also totally uncomfortable writing about himself in the third person. Cort enjoys writing about comedy, food, sports, and entertainment. So, basically anything and everything.