Couple Marries In Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom
Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images
Getting married in a bathroom? (Photo by Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images)
Remember the Disco Bathroom we talked about on Dave & Chuck The Freak a couple weeks ago? Well, there’s an exciting update! Watch as a couple marries in a Northern Kentucky convenience store Disco Bathroom!
We introduced you to the Disco Bathroom recently. Now, it’s really taking off!
Couple Marries In Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom
It’s not your traditional wedding! However, it’s totally 2024. Logen Abney and Tiana Ailstock got married on Valentine’s Day. I’m sure many couples choose that as their special day. It makes sense. However, most choose to get married in a church or chapel. These two chose to do something a little different. They got married in the Verona Hop Shops’ disco bathroom!
It was only a matter of time until someone took advantage of the cool set-up in these bathrooms across Northern Kentucky. Yes, you can sing, you can dance, you can have the time of your life in these bathrooms! You can even get married in them. That’s something you’ll never forget.
Local 12 reports that Abney pledged, “Tiana, from the first dance in this disco bathroom to this moment, I vow to hop through life with you. Through the funk beats and mellow melodies, every rhythm in life.”
Seems like they were frequent customers to the bathroom. I can’t blame them! It’s definitely a unique experience. Of course, they celebrated their nuptials by hitting the big red button. That means it’s party time!
Check out a video of the one-of-a-kind wedding below! Looking to get married this spring? Is your favorite venue booked? Well, maybe it’s time to consider a quick trip down to Northern Kentucky. All your guests will have a blast…until they have to use the bathroom. What happens then?
Here’s the video shared by Hop Shops on YouTube! Maybe this will be you one day!
5 Of The Greatest TV Couples Of All-Time
Love is in the air! Whether you are spending Valentine’s Day out with a loved one, or spending the night in by yourself, chances are you’re going to watch some TV. Maybe it’ll be your favorite love movie. Or, maybe it’ll be a special Valentine’s Day episode of your favorite TV show. To celebrate the day of love, here are 5 of the greatest TV couples of all-time.
Of course, there have been many notable couples on the small screen over the years. However, these are some of my favorites. See who made the list below! Missing your favorite? Let us know!
5 Of The Greatest TV Couples Of All-Time
First, let me say it was tough narrowing this list down to only 5. On Dave & Chuck The Freak, we enjoy talking about popular shows. At least the ones we like. There have been so many good couples on TV over the years, it’s hard to pick just 5 of the greatest TV couples ever. However, I was able to pull it off.
Of course, narrowing it down to just 5 means some of our favorite couples didn’t make the cut. That’s not fair. For example, I love Phil and Claire Dunphy. I think they could be the modern it couple. Every dad wants to be Phil. Claire is also a great mom and super relatable in many ways. They’re both hilarious and make a great pair. Unfortunately, they didn’t make the Top 5. They probably would have made the Top 10, though!
Also, I’ll admit the list may be a little bias. While I enjoy watching as many TV shows as I can, and I have seen an impressive number, good and bad. However, I can’t watch everything. There have been some big shows over the years that have been insanely popular that I never ended up watching. Seriously, some of the biggest shows ever, I’m afraid to admit it.
So, I only considered couples from shows I was familiar with and had an impact on me, personally. Chances are I left out some of your favorites. Make sure to let us know who we missed! Check out the list of 5 of the greatest TV couples of all-time below!
Cort Freeman was born and raised in Metro Detroit. He was named Clarkston High School 2009 Class Clown 13 years after graduating. Totally normal thing to happen. That’s thanks to his time spent as an Intern at Comedy Central and Social Media Correspondent for The Colbert Report. Cort has done comedy across the country, both standing up and sitting down. When he’s not trying to make you laugh on-air and online, he’s probably at home enjoying his favorite shows like Seinfeld, South Park, and The Office. He’s also totally uncomfortable writing about himself in the third person. Cort enjoys writing about comedy, food, sports, and entertainment. So, basically anything and everything.