Pet Bird Goes Viral For Keeping Owner Up With Earth, Wind, & Fire Performance
Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to have a pet bird. My cousin had one and I wanted one badly, but it was quickly vetoed by my parents. At the time, I didn’t understand it. Now, I certainly do. A pet bird has gone viral on TikTok for keeping its owner up with an Earth, Wind, & Fire performance!
“September” came way too soon for this woman. That song is probably going to haunt her forever. Check out the hilarious video below.
Pet Bird Goes Viral For Keeping Owner Up With Earth, Wind, & Fire Performance
Kiki The Cockatiel now has more than 3 million follower on TikTok. However, not everyone is seeing Kiki as a star right now. Of course, I’m talking about Kiki’s owner.
Now, you might recognize Kiki. The bird is no stranger to going viral. Typically, it’s for doing something cute. In fact, Kiki has gone viral for singing this very song before! However, this time around going viral is different. Singing, much like comedy, is all about timing. Poor timing can ruin a joke just like it can ruin a beautiful song. Kiki’s owner wasn’t very happy with this latest performance. In a video, you can see (and hear) the bird loudly singing Earth, Wind, & Fire’s “September” at 7am.
The video is captioned with, “Kiki, it’s 7 o’clock in the morning.” Apparently, Kiki had already had her cup of coffee that morning. Perhaps already onto the second or third cup at the looks of things. It’s hilarious to watch the bird bop along to the song, you can tell it really digs the jam! Then, when Kiki’s owner tries to silence her…she actually listens! Well, at least for a second. She takes a pause when her owner snaps at her only to keep it going seconds later.
Now, I understand why my parents didn’t want a bird in the house. That kind of stuff is cute at 2pm in the afternoon. However, 7am is a totally different story. Check out the viral video below!