Were Visitors Scammed At ‘The Conjuring’ House In Rhode Island?
Were visitors scammed at The Conjuring house in Rhode Island? That’s what they’re claiming!
The Conjuring is one of the more popular horror movie franchises released in recent years. It’s incredibly spooky and the house made famous by the movie is a sight to behold for fans of the movies and horror fans alike. However, the experience hasn’t been what it was made out to be for some people who are now claiming that they were scammed and unable to enter the home that they booked to check out and were instead turned away at the property’s gate being told that the attraction had been closed to business.
Visitors Say They Were Scammed At ‘The Conjuring’ House
According to WPRI, Samuel Stronegger and Linus Backman traveled all the way from Sweden for an overnight booking at The Conjuring house in Rhode Island. That would be an unbelievable experience for fans of the movie or for those who enjoy the paranormal. You can stay overnight? That would be crazy! Not everyone can handle that.
WPRI reports that the men paid $10,000 for the trip and were excited to see the Burrillville farmhouse. Stronegger, a social media influencer, tells WPRI, “We were super excited for the trip, and, my viewers and my followers, everyone knows that we are going to ‘The Conjuring‘ house. When we came to the house and they said we couldn’t enter the house, it was like, this has to be a dream.” However, the 2 of them weren’t the only ones who had this happen to them. Nearly 10 people have come forward in the last 2 months saying that The Conjuring house owner never told them about the closure despite them booking visits successfully, per WPRI.
Now, these people are left scrambling in an effort to get refunds for what they paid which can be thousands of dollars. People travel from all over the country and all over the world to come and see this house. That would be a major let down to make it all that way only to be turned down once you’ve arrived. Sounds like the property owner lost her license despite people already making bookings. She was cited for operating without a license, per WPRI.