Dave and Chuck the Freak

Are these the 5 greatest hockey movies of all-time? (Photo by Steve Powell /Getty Images)

Are these the greatest hockey movies of all-time? There are a lot more hockey movies than we realized! However, what are the best of the best?

The Stanley Cup Playoffs are in full swing and we’ve got hockey on the mind. Are these 5 of the greatest hockey movies of all-time?

Are These The Greatest Hockey Movies?

Recently, we shared 5 of the greatest basketball movies of all-time. There were some great movies on that list including Space Jam, Coach Carter, and Hustle. Additionally, we shared a list of the 5 greatest baseball movies of all-time. That list had a bunch of Kevin Costner movies. I never realized how many baseball movies he made! You can check out those links after we talk some hockey!

While making the list of other sports and their movies, I never considered how many hockey movies there actually are out there. Some you might have to bend the rules a little bit, but we’re calling them hockey movies, nonetheless.

There are so many great hockey movies we couldn’t get to all of them. That’s the problem when you only want to share a list of 5 of the greatest hockey movies of all-time–you end up leaving some great ones on the cutting room floor. That means fantastic hockey movies like Goon and its sequel Goon: Last Of The Enforcers won’t be seen on the list–but they’re still worth watching. They’re more of a good late night movie if you’re looking for something to watch if you’ve had a bit too much to drink or are super relaxed and looking for something to giggle at. However, I couldn’t put it above any of the other movies that ended up making the top 5.

Ready for the list? Here are 5 of the greatest hockey movies of all-time! Did we miss any of your favorites? Let us know!

  • Miracle

    Miracle isn’t just one of the best hockey movies of all-time–it’s one of the best sports movies of all-time. So many great scenes and quotes in that movie. “Again!” Kurt Russell was awesome as Herb Brooks. They did a great job making this movie and I’m due for a re-watch.

  • The Mighty Ducks

    You can’t have a list of the best hockey movies and not include The Mighty Ducks. Honestly, the first 3 Mighty Ducks movies probably should have a spot on this list. However, that would have been very boring. So, I only put the original on the list. It’s funny, it’s charming, it’s actually a good movie!

  • Mystery, Alaska

    I almost forgot about Mystery, Alaska! If you love hockey then you’ll love Mystery, Alaska! The movie stars Russell Crowe, Burt Reynolds, and Mary McCormack. It’s about a small town in Alaska who loves their hockey. It’s like the most important thing in life for them. Well, the hockey loving town gets to end up playing the New York Rangers! It’s funny, it’s emotional, it’s a good watch.

  • Slapshot

    Slapshot is an iconic movie! It’s hard to say you’re a hockey fan if you haven’t watched Slapshot. The movie stars Paul Newman, David Hanson, and Nancy Dowd. The Hanson Brothers are some outstanding characters. It’s hockey the way hockey fans want to see it. Definitely one of the best!

  • Happy Gilmore

    This could start a debate. Sure, Happy Gilmore is more of a golf movie. However, it’s definitely still a hockey movie! There are many scenes with hockey, the main character loves hockey, sports a Boston Bruins jersey for most of the movie, and his putter looks like a hockey stick. Yes, it’s a hockey movie! Will the sequel also be a hockey movie? That’s debatable. We will see! I’m excited for it!