Ohio State Fair Unveils One Of The Most Bizarre Desserts Ever
Would anyone want a sweet deviled egg?
State Fairs have become the places to debut crazy new foods. Things like deep-fried Kool-Aid, pickle pops, fried scorpion, and more.
According to a recent report, the Ohio State Fair has really raised the bar on the crazy food scale this year. The Ohio Poultry Association (OPA), known as the Devilishly Good Food Stand has dropped the craziest type of deviled egg we’d ever heard of…Chocolate deviled eggs!
Explore the @OhioStateFair’s culinary creativity with treats like Chocolate Deviled Eggs, Flaming Hot Cheeto Burgers, and more. Check out the list here: https://t.co/pfOZNnzwMw
— 614 (@614Magazine) July 20, 2023
Now the OPA has been known to do some weird things with deviled eggs. In the past they debuted lemon meringue deviled eggs.
We’re not sure who asked for this or what kind of a crazy person could think this up, but if you’re feeling adventurous here is the recipe to make some for yourself.