Watch The Look On Baby’s Face When Reacting To Dad’s Terrible Singing
There are plenty of television programs that involve criticizing aspiring singers. Typically a bitchy response and tough critique is expected from the likes of Simon Cowell, but critics aren’t the only ones bothered by terrible singing.
This infant could be next in line for Cowell once he vacates his judgemental position. Watch as the baby smiles at mom’s wonderful voice but is horrified when dad’s terrible singing kicks in.
If you’re a new dad this is pretty much an everyday occurrence. James and Jason both deal with this regularly, their children are always sharing their unsolicited opinions.
James doesn’t understand why his son always starts crying when he sings him some of Lizzo’s best songs but is always smiling when his wife just makes baby noise gibberish. Like does the kid not hear dada hitting those notes on his rendition of Lizzo’s Feeling Good As Hell?
It’s ok though, it might take his son a few years to realize the greatness. Then James can sing him some of Whitney Houston’s greatest hits but until then he’ll stick to the “ABC’S” “The Wheels On The Bus” and everyone’s favorite deep blue sea exploring sperm whale, “Baby Beluga.”
Jason actually doesn’t think he has a great singing voice. And has never been ASKED by someone to start serenading them, except for his son. Jason’s son loves hearing him sing along to all of his favorite shows and doesn’t like going to bed without his dad singing to him. If Jason’s singing voice is what his son mimics as he gets older, there will be a lot of bleeding ears, that’s for sure.
Next to Simon Cowell babies may be some of the most truthful judges. There is no denying what they are thinking when responding to something they like or dislike. If you really seek the truth perform your special talent in front of a baby.