Teens Intentionally Trash House Party To Get Girl In Trouble
Marco Di Lauro/Getty Images
This party got crazy. (Photo by Marco Di Lauro/Getty Images)
Kids are mean. They can be down right evil at times. Sometimes, it’s on accident. Other times, it’s absolutely on purpose. Teens intentionally trashed a house party to get a girl in trouble.
Yup, sounds like teenagers. So, why did they do it? Was it just to be jerks?
Teens Intentionally Trash House Party To Get Girl In Trouble
A wild party throw by teenagers in Ohio is going viral online. The family’s home was left destroyed after the party, and it seems like it was all on purpose. Now, the family is struggling to understand the series of events.
While the Strahin family was out of town, their daughter threw a party and everything went wrong. The house was destroyed, guitars were broken, and a beloved porcelain porch goose named “Betty” was taken before the party was busted.
To make matters worse? The family has been taunted by pictures printed out and left in their mailbox saying, “we have Betty.” TikToks were also made to taunt the family. Dudes, these kids are disturbed! That is sick in the head type behavior!
Local 12 reports that at least 100 people attended the party thrown by their 18-year old daughter. Now, they have reason to believe that not everyone was there to have fun.
After throwing out a public invitation on Snapchat, things went downhill. Local 12 reports that kids “super glued cups and cinnamon to the counters, trashed the house with alcohol containers, and poured alcohol into the washing machine.” She also mentions that the kitchen counters are now damaged from people standing and dancing on them.
A Facebook page was created to try to help ‘Bring Betty The Porch Goose Home.’ It has more than 4,000 members.
This is like something out of that Project X movie. She even mentions that someone ate a plant and threw it up, per Local 12. What? Who are these teenagers? Are they human?
However, the story ends on a positive note. Betty was located on Tuesday afternoon and is back with her family.
The teen’s parents are going to think twice about going on vacation ever again after this happened.
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6 Songs To Immediately End The Party According To Lisa Way
It is no secret that Lisa Way has a party past. Her occasional stories have become a thing of legend on the show!
As difficult as it is to believe now, she even once owned her own karaoke machine. Our Lisa of today, however, still enjoys a gathering, but she has her limits. And, if the party happened to be taking place at her house, she has we way to let everybody know that it’s time to go.
6 Songs To Immediately End The Party According To Lisa Way
Throughout the history of Dave & Chuck The Freak, Lisa has made several references to certain songs that she will put on at her parties in an effort to make her guests want to leave on their own.
I think we’ve all been there. It’s getting late, you’re getting tired, and the party is not dying down. What do you do? You could join in! Get your sleep another time. Additionally, you could turn off the music and tell everyone to “go home!” However, that won’t make you the most popular friend at the party. They will certainly be talking about you afterwards. You can’t do that. It’s not an option.
What you can do? Pretend to go along with it, while secretly sabotaging your own party. That’s right, it requires some self-sabotage. You get an awful playlist going that will make them want to leave. It’s the perfect idea. Can’t you just see Lisa executing this at a party? It’s a brilliant plan.
Right here, right now, for the first time ever, Lisa is revealing some of her go to party ending songs! Would any of these make you want to bail on a party? Check out the list of party ending songs below! Hopefully, you’ll stick around until the end. We don’t want the songs to be so bad that even the list makes you want to go home!
Cort Freeman was born and raised in Metro Detroit. He was named Clarkston High School 2009 Class Clown 13 years after graduating. Totally normal thing to happen. That’s thanks to his time spent as an Intern at Comedy Central and Social Media Correspondent for The Colbert Report. Cort has done comedy across the country, both standing up and sitting down. When he’s not trying to make you laugh on-air and online, he’s probably at home enjoying his favorite shows like Seinfeld, South Park, and The Office. He’s also totally uncomfortable writing about himself in the third person. Cort enjoys writing about comedy, food, sports, and entertainment. So, basically anything and everything.