Embarrassing Injuries
What Is Your Embarrassing Injury?
At this point in time, we might be experts on genital injuries. Not how to treat them, but all the ways that people can injure themselves. Today, we talked about the embarrassing injury that sent you to the emergency room. We said the stories didn’t have to involve your private parts, but alas, they did.
It all started with a story about a man who injured his penis during a vigorous sex session. According to DailyMail, a 53-year-old man suffered inflammation to the main vein running underneath his penis after a vigorous, viagra-fueled, all night sex session. The man was able to recover after some anti-inflammatory medication. Doctors are warning men to not engage in all-night sex sessions for risk of damaging their dongers.
So, this leads us to talking to our listeners about the embarrassing injury that sent them to the emergency room. An all-night sex session is a pretty embarrassing thing to have to explain to doctors. We think our listeners saw this guy’s injury and raised him a few.
We started with a story about a guy who ended up in the E.R. because of a ping-pong sized hemorrhoid. Unfortunately for him, medical students were shadowing that day and watched his doctor push the hemorrhoid back inside him. Mortifying.
Then, a guy called in about a sounding injury that left him bleeding really badly. He and his wife were sounding together, on the same rod, when something went horribly wrong!
Next, a guy called in to share about his buddy who was “infiltrated” by a wiffle ball bat. Picture some “joshing around” in the pool and next thing you know….a bat where the sun don’t shine.
Finally, we might have found the world’s nicest wife. She attempted to insert a hemorrhoid for her husband that was the size of an egg. It failed. The thing exploded. We discuss how you should always go to the doctor if you have a hemorrhoid of that size. And then, Chuck goes over a checklist of what sized hemorrhoid would make him go see a doctor immediatley.
If you enjoy our Peep Shows of people’s injuries, then check out the Sex Injuries Peep Show.