New York City Man Spotted Eating A Rat On The Sidewalk
A New York City man was spotted eating a rat on the sidewalk. Can you imagine seeing that?
That’s something you hope to never see someone do, but New York City is a very interesting and unique place. He’s totally going to end up getting sick from this, right? There’s no way you can do that and not get seriously ill. It happened in the Bronx where a man was seen eating a rat on the sidewalk. From the looks of it, it wasn’t cooked or anything–just a raw New York City rat. Check out the viral video for yourself below. I think next time someone asks me for money on the street, I’m going to give them some so I don’t have to see them eat a rat. You don’t want to witness that in-person. WARNING! Video is graphic.
New York City Man Seen Eating A Rat On The Sidewalk
Hopefully this is some sort of prank? It’s just a fake rat? He’s messing with us maybe? Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case here. This is pure New York City. You always hear the horror stories and hear people talk about all the rats and the smell of the city–but you never expect to see a man actually eat a rat on the sidewalk.