A McPervert Was Filming Men In The Bathroom
The amount of perverts in the news isn’t even shocking anymore. We literally have at least one pervert of the day, every day. And, the amount of people filming you in restrooms seems to be at an all-time high. One worker at a McDonald’s was filming customers in the bathroom and he was confronted. Dave has labeled him a McPervert.
According to News 12, “A former McDonald’s worker at the Woodbury Common Premium Outlets has been arrested for allegedly recording customers while using a restroom at the popular shopping center in Central Valley. One of the victims reached out to News 12 with video showing him confronting the suspect during the incident and says he reached out to prevent it from happening again. “What the {expletive} is wrong with you? You are recording me in the bathroom,” the victim is heard on the recording. “Let me see your phone!” The suspect, who Woodbury police identify as 39-year-old Roque Sotelo-Martinez, of Newburgh, is heard on the recording responding, “Please man. I won’t do it again.” Martinez was charged with felony unlawful surveillance.
There are so many questions. Why do people like to watch other people go to the bathroom. What wires have been crossed that bathroom time equals sexy time to some. Every time we talk about it, we are so confused. Andy asks the question, why would anyone want to watch me poop. It is very odd behavior. And then, Dave calls the guy a very clever name. McPervert.
We discuss how we’d handle the peeper. Would you jump up before your poop is finished to confront the guy. Dave says he would finish his business and then approach the guy. There’s risk there because at that point, the man will just be watching.
You don’t have to dig very deep to find this content on the porn websites as Chuck and I mention. It’s really crazy how much bathroom content there is on the internet. And that means, it’s taking place in real life to.
Stay vigilant and enjoy!