Cringeworthy Things You Should Avoid Saying On a Date
When you’re just getting to know someone on a date, you naturally want to make a good first impression. But here’s the thing: according to etiquette experts, some of the stuff we think is being nice can actually be pretty cringeworthy. This might be the reason you’re not scoring second dates.
Best Life, the lifestyle mag teamed up with etiquette experts to put together a list of “polite” things you’re saying on dates that are cringe. They say there are a bunch of common mistakes you might be making without even realizing it. And they could be turning off your dates.
Seemingly polite comments that turn out to be cringeworthy.
Leading the list is the expression, “You’re so [pretty/cute/handsome]—I wonder why you are single.” While it may seem like a compliment to openly wonder why someone with obvious appeal is still unattached, one of their experts recommended avoiding this comment. They pointed out two key issues with it. First, it places a significant emphasis on looks and physical attributes. Secondly, it implies that a person’s value is linked to their relationship status.
We often tend to make judgments based on people’s appearances or behaviors. However, experts advise against remarks like, “Oh, you’re a [job title]? I wouldn’t have guessed.” They explained, “It is offensive to assume someone could not have a certain job based on their appearance or how they act,” according to their expert.
Following closely on this list is the statement, “You’d look great if you grew your hair out.” You might think you’re giving a compliment by suggesting a different look would suit them, but the lifestyle magazine pointed out that offering unsolicited advice about someone’s appearance can be seen as disrespectful. “Respect the person for who they are and the choices they have made,” they emphasized.
Additionally, their list included a note about adding “no offense” to an offensive statement. They emphasized that this phrase doesn’t excuse the impact of your words on your date’s feelings. In fact, their expert noted that the need to use such a phrase should serve as a signal that your statement might be inappropriate.
Check out other comments and phrases that made the list here.