Why Did This DoorDash Customer Jump Out Of A Window?
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images
Why did this DoorDash customer jump out of a window? (Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)
Why did this DoorDash customer jump out of a window? The internet has questions, and we’re looking for answers. Many people are giving their best guess…but are they right? There’s no way to tell!
So, let’s join in the fun. Check out the video below and give us your best guess as to what’s really going on! Let’s dive in.
Why Did This DoorDash Customer Jump Out Of A Window?
It’s definitely baffling. In the video, you can see this customer climbing out of a window to fetch their DoorDash delivery. However, why they chose to do that is the unanswered question. Surely, there are doors in this home. So, what are they trying to hide? They definitely seem suspicious.
We know Chuck has shared stories about having to eat bad meals in secret. Maybe that’s what they were doing? Perhaps they live at home with their parents and are supposed to be on a diet and can’t have anyone know that they’re cheating on the diet. However, they seem to be in good enough shape, so I don’t think that’s what’s happening.
I’m thinking that the individual isn’t actually the homeowner. No, I’m thinking they’re the date of someone at the home who might live with their parents and they needed food but didn’t want their presence in the home being known. So, they had to climb out of the window to get the food. Or…could this woman be with her ex’s roommate? That could make sense.
What other explanations could there be? Could all the doors in the home not work? Perhaps they’re a squatter and aren’t supposed to be in this home at all?
Check out the video below shared by @jonathaneljay87 on TikTok and see for yourself. What do you think is going on here? Let us know in the comments! There’s no being wrong in this scenario, so give us your best guess!
5 Food Delivery Horror Stories Heard On Dave & Chuck The Freak
Look, we’ve all been there. It’s been a long day and the last thing you want to do is cook a meal. So, we turn to a delivery service. Or, at least we used to. We might not do that anymore after hearing about these stories. Here are 5 food delivery horror stories heard on Dave & Chuck The Freak.
After hearing these stories, you might be tempted to start cooking more at home. You never know what people might do with your food!
5 Food Delivery Horror Stories Heard On Dave & Chuck The Freak
Trusting a stranger to do anything can be a tough ask. I won’t let a stranger watch my dog. That’s something I know I need to trust you with before asking you to do. Actually, I won’t even ask many of my friends to do a task like that. Additionally, asking a stranger to house sit can be a dangerous ask. Now, I’m supposed to trust them with my food? In their own vehicle? That’s tough.
A lot can go wrong with a stranger picking up your food and handling it. First, they could obviously eat your food. A 10 piece nugget can very quickly turn into a 9 piece. Maybe they won’t take a full nugget. They could just steal one fry. Hey, you’ll never notice. They could also take a sip of your beverage.
However, consuming your food isn’t the only bad thing they can do. They can spit on it. They can put their hands in it. There are no shortage of the weird things they could do to it. Sure, companies have started taking measures to prevent stuff like this happening. They’ll staple or tape your bag shut. There’s no a protective film over beverage cups. However, it doesn’t seem to be enough. Drivers are still out there doing stuff–and getting caught doing it.
Here are 5 examples of food delivery horror stories as heard on Dave & Chuck The Freak!
Cort Freeman was born and raised in Metro Detroit. He was named Clarkston High School 2009 Class Clown 13 years after graduating. Totally normal thing to happen. That’s thanks to his time spent as an Intern at Comedy Central and Social Media Correspondent for The Colbert Report. Cort has done comedy across the country, both standing up and sitting down. When he’s not trying to make you laugh on-air and online, he’s probably at home enjoying his favorite shows like Seinfeld, South Park, and The Office. He’s also totally uncomfortable writing about himself in the third person. Cort enjoys writing about comedy, food, sports, and entertainment. So, basically anything and everything.