Things Go Wrong For Woman Who Got An MRI With Butt Plug Inside Her
Things went terribly wrong for the woman who got an MRI with a butt plug still inside her. There’s a reason you shouldn’t have any metal on you!
This sounds like it would have been an awful experience. Just terrible. You know, when you go to get an MRI the technicians will go to great lengths to ensure you don’t have any metal on you before you go through the machine. That’s because there’s a giant magnet in the machine that will grab up all metal inside the machine. Well, that’s what ended up happening. She forgot to remove her butt plug, which she thought was 100% silicone, but was clearly incorrect. The butt plug ended up being pulled through her rectum and up into her chest cavity at what’s being described as the speed of sound. Can you imagine? Thankfully, she survived but not without some significant injuries and a lot of pain.
Woman Has MRI With Butt Plug Inside Her
If you weren’t aware, MRI scans use strong magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of the inside of your body. It’s very cool. Unless you’re wearing any metal or have any metal inside you when you get your MRI. Yes, that includes metal butt plugs. We’ve heard stories before of people with bullets still inside them or shrapnel causing issues inside MRI machines. Now, this time around, it’s a butt plug.
The story is now going viral online. That’s why if you decide to wear your butt plug to your MRI appointment it’s best to alert the technicians that you are doing so. Don’t feel comfortable telling them? Then maybe don’t bring or wear your butt plug that day. Enjoy it once your appointment is over or take it out before your session starts. Do not wear it inside the machine! According to The Sun, it happened to a 22-year-old woman who left screaming in pain due to what happened. A health official tells The Sun, “She went in for the MRI and when the MRI was over and the tech was pulling the table out the patient started to scream. The patient stated that she felt nauseous, was in pain, and felt like she was going to pass out. An ambulance was called for this patient and she was sent to the hospital. The patient was checked out by the radiologist at the site before transport to ensure the patient was doing okay. The patient has not returned any of our calls yet to try and follow up to see how she is doing.”
See pictures of what happened here.