Did An Influencer Figure Out How To Win ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors?’
Did an influencer on TikTok figure out how to win Rock, Paper, Scissors? He claims to hold the secret to winning the game!
There are few games as classic and timeless as a simple game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. In fact, if we had Squid Game here in the United States, I’m pretty confident that Rock, Paper, Scissors would be one of the games contestants would have to compete in. If that’s the case, you’re going to want to know the secrets and how you can win the game and survive. Thankfully, this influencer on TikTok thinks he knows the key to winning the game and explained the psychology of the game on the social media app. What does he suggest? He says you should start with Rock and never start with paper. Why? Check out his explanation of the psychology behind his reasoning below.
Influencer Breaks Down Psychology Behind Rock, Paper, Scissors
You know, what he’s saying makes a lot of sense. I’ve heard that we’re programed to remember the first or the last thing we’re told and thus it would make sense why you wouldn’t want to lead with paper. Honestly, that’s all stuff I’ve never thought about. I always figured it was a 33% chance either way but that’s not true. Thanks to psychology we can understand that the percentages are actually different based on the way we hear and interpret things. I’ll have to remember this going forward if I ever find myself playing the game.
The video was shared by Nick Metzler (@nickmetzler1) on TikTok and has more than 13 comments and 114 likes on TikTok right now. As usual, the comments are pretty funny. One user says they’re going to send this video to all of their friends and then lead with paper to throw them off. I guess depending on how viral this video ends up going it might end up changing the percentages! It could change the way we think again and change the game completely. Then what do we throw? It goes back to chance. Other commenters also noticed that this video might change the way people play the game. Another user commented that you should pay close attention to their hand as it comes down to see if they start to show their move too early. That would work as well. Honestly, I’ve never put enough thought into how to win Rock, Paper, Scissors. I don’t think anything I’ve really cared about has come down to the game. Maybe which restaurant or who goes first at a certain game or event, but nothing important enough to study moves and know what I’m supposed to do. I guess that’s on me.