‘Final Destination: Bloodlines’ Trailer Brings Series Full Circle
The trailer for Final Destination: Bloodlines just came out and it looks like it will bring the series full circle. We’ll find out how it all started.
The Final Destination movies have always done a great job at taking ordinary things that happen in our every day lives and then forever making us scared of those things. Seriously, can you drive behind a semi-truck carrying lumber without thinking they’re all going to come tumbling out leading to your demise? I know that happens to me every time! Now, with the first trailer for Final Destination: Bloodlines coming out, it looks like the new movie will be up to its old tricks that made the movies famous–all while trying to explain how it all started. Check out the first trailer for the new Final Destination movie below.
First Trailer For Final Destination: Bloodlines Is Released
Well, now that you’ve seen the trailer…what do you think? I’m sure I’ll end up watching the movie. I enjoyed all the other Final Destination movies. Sure, they aren’t the best in the horror genre but they’re entertaining enough to make it worth watching. Plus, sometimes they’re so cheesy and over the top that they can be funny and entertaining in that sort of way.
Final Destination: Bloodlines hits theatres on May 16th, 2025. The little teasers we’ve been given make it look like there will be some interesting deaths in the latest movie. Glass shards falling into a beverage? Piercings leading to problems? A lawn mower accident? It looks like this movie is going to not shy away from outrageous deaths that will keep us thinking and on our feet. Are you excited for the new Final Destination movie or are you over them?