Why Did Someone Call HR On You?
People Have Called HR For Some Strange Behavior
We wanted to know when Human Resources was called on you because of a story in today’s edition of ‘It Sucks To Be Old’. We learned about a 66-year-old man who was fired from his job after urinating in a hotel lobby when he couldn’t make it to the bathroom.
According to reports from StraitsTimes.com, a 66-year-old Lenovo computer salesman named Richard Becker, was fired from his job after he urinated in a hotel lobby. The man has suffered from a bladder condition since 2016 and was unable to make it to a bathroom, leaving him no choice but to pee where he was. Then, an employee reported him to Human Resources for his actions.
While discussing what else the man could have done, Lisa suggests maybe it’s time to wear a diaper. Dave and Chuck also jokes that she is the legal representation for the company because she’s saying this guy doesn’t have much of a chance to win his lawsuit.
There have been more than one potential Human Resource worthy moments here on the show. But, one that stands out is the time Dave walked in on Chuck in the bathroom. A hilarious, yet horrifying moment, could have been an HR nightmare had it been someone other than Dave who walked into the unlocked bathroom where Chuck was sitting on the toilet.
We then open the phone and text lines. Listeners share with us the reason why they called HR on someone, or when someone called Human Resources on them. A man made a very silly joke about his ‘Bawls’ energy drink that ended up getting him in some trouble. Another listener had an issue with a co-worker who had smelly feet. That led to Chuck taking his shoes off and showing off his low-cut socks. Make sure you stick around for that eyeful in the ‘Peep Show’.