PRODUCTION - 15 June 2022, Saxony, Dresden: ILLUSTRATION: A woman holds her smartphone in her hands on the toilet. More and more Germans are taking their smartphones with them to the toilet. (Posed scene) Photo: Robert Michael/dpa (Photo by Robert Michael/picture alliance via Getty Images)
An unnamed 22-year-old woman posted on Reddit that she suffers from something she refers to as ‘Endless Wipe Syndrome’. She has an incredible amount of anxiety when it comes to pooping and feels like she is never completely clean. She goes on to say that she carries around wet wipes and a travel bidet but she still cleans herself multiple times with all of those items. She said that going to the bathroom has made her life miserable and went to the forum seeking help we assume. Do you suffer from ‘Endless Wipe Syndrome’? Do you know someone who does? If so, maybe go share your trials with this unnamed butt wiper and offer suggestions. I think everyone can agree with wanting to feel clean after a poop but an hour of wiping seems exhausting!
Using public restrooms might not seem like rocket science, but the moment you step into that bathroom, there’s a code of etiquette to follow. It’s all about not giving anyone the cringe-worthy vibes, especially when they’re handling their business. Unfortunately, quite a few people haven’t quite grasped bathroom manners.
Public restrooms are essential facilities that serve a crucial purpose in our daily lives. However, maintaining proper etiquette in these shared spaces is essential for the comfort and well-being of everyone who uses them. Understanding what not to do in a public restroom can go a long way in ensuring a positive experience for all.
Cracking the Code: Public Restroom Etiquette
Certain unwritten public restroom guidelines are universal among most people. Take, for example, the unspoken agreement not to choose a stall right next to an occupied one in a multiple-stall restroom. It might sound a tad extreme, but there’s something oddly unsettling about sharing such limited privacy with a complete stranger. Another rule of thumb is to steer clear of using the handicapped stall unless it’s meant for you. You never know when someone might genuinely need it, and finding yourself on the receiving end of that awkward situation is far from ideal.
Furthermore, if your goal is to keep the public restroom experience as unawkward as possible, avoid using your phone while in there. For some people, it can come across as unsettling when you’re waiting in line in front of someone who’s busy scrolling through their phone. Especially in today’s era of oversharing on social media and the inexplicable urge that some people have to document every moment.
Occasionally, public restrooms can present some strange situations. So, before you head into the bathroom, here are nine tips on public restroom etiquette. And, of course, how to avoid those awkward situations.